How to do ustrasana step by step?

-Stand on the knees. keep the thighs full straight .Keep the knees and  feet together.
-Lean in the backword direction. Slowly move more backword.
-Push the hips in the forword direction.the Thighs should be kept  vertical.
-Then bend the head and the spine as backward and as far as possible without straining.
-Relax the body and the muscles of the back.

 Safety and Precautions:

-People with recent heart or abdominal surgery should avoid or    modify the pose.
-People with high or low blood pressure should be careful while  practicing this pose.
-People with vertigo, dizziness, or balance issues should avoid the  pose.
-People with osteoporosis should avoid or modify the pose as it may  worsen the condition.
-People with recent hip, back, or other chromic injuries should avoid  the pose. Use props or consult a good yoga teacher if needed.

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